
Repair, Replace or Service Your Heating System Today

In Oklahoma, there’s little that we can control about the weather. From flash ice storms to humid, subtropical heat waves, weather events here are truly events.  


One thing all of us can do to have a little more control over our comfort in the next unexpected blast of frigid air, and that’s servicing, repairing and replacing your heating system.

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What factors should I consider when deciding between repairing and replacing my heating system or furnace?

Consider the age of the device, the amount of damage, energy efficiency, and repair costs when deciding between repairing and replacing a heating system or furnace. If the system is nearing the end of its useful life, experiencing frequent problems, or maintenance is expensive, replacement may be more cost-effective. Newer, more energy-efficient models can also save money in the long run. To make an informed option that balances cost and efficiency, consider your long-term goals, budget, and the overall condition of your current heating system.

What steps should I take to prepare my heating system or furnace for the winter season near Oklahoma City, OK?

Prepare your heating system for winter by scheduling professional maintenance, which includes checking for leaks, inspecting the furnace or heating unit, cleaning or replacing air filters, and ensuring proper insulation. Test the thermostat to ensure accurate temperature control. Check and seal any drafts in windows or doors, and consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat for energy efficiency. Additionally, stock up on necessary fuel or schedule fuel deliveries. These steps help ensure your heating system operates efficiently and reliably during the winter months.

Why Heating Services for the OKC & Oklahoma City Area?

Heating repairs can be expensive and they can come up seemingly without warning, often when it’s the least convenient time to lose heat, like during a few days of below-freezing temperatures.


At Direct Air, we’re happy to take on any repair you may need, but we’d also like to see you sidestep common causes for repair by having your unit properly maintained. By servicing your unit to ensure things like filters are clear and components are functional, we help prevent many repair needs and extend the life of your heating equipment.


When Is It Time to Replace Your System?

The life of a well-maintained HVAC system can be between 15 and 20 years. Major repair needs can sometimes shorten this lifespan. The replacement and installation of a new system is incredibly important when it comes to the performance and efficiency of a new system.


To take advantage of all of the energy savings that come with a newer system, it’s important your system is expertly installed by technicians who know how to avoid the easy pitfalls of installation.


Direct Air Heating Services

Direct Air provides expert heating services across Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma City area. Call us at 405-778-2896 or contact us today to learn more about our essential heating system services.